Our troops are in danger. People in iraq can plan something and start killing our troops. Our troops can be killed by other at anytime. If our troops were back in the united states they will be safe from all of this. So don’t you think that president Barak Obama should bring our troops back?
The soldiers family members are terrified. all families who have family members in the iraq war are so scared that something happens to them. They are so scared that they wont be able to see that person for the rest of their lives otherwise they are scared that they get killed during the iraq war. Who wants one of their family member to be killed…. Do you ?
Soldiers need to be at home. Soldiers have to be safe, people need to be safe.. not put in danger. Leaving our troops in iraq is like leaving a baby alone in the street. If they all come home we will have protection in the homeland, and they will be safer here in the united states. Don’t you think they should be here in their homeland, and with their families?
This is why What I wish from barak obama is that he plans to end the iraq war. My first reason is because our troops are in danger. My second reason is that Soldiers family members are terrified. My last reason is that they need to be home. Don’t you want your family members to be together?