when we got to the room i was surprised that they were up already."how come you guys are up and ready today but when you guys have to be up you guys are always in bed?". " Dad came and told us that we were going to a fair today, and that if we got ready early we were going to have a surprise". i ran and got ready as Lily came into the room saying you have to go downstairs rite now, huge surprise go down QUICK. I was so confused they woke us up to get ready to go to the fair and now we have a HUGE surprise downstairs. And so i walked down the stairs when they're was a smell, i had never smelled anything like that, well only once i a while when they family in the big house left their windows open.But that smell was weird to be coming from downstairs. i walked into the room and wow i had a surprise, we had FOOD, a lot of food in the table. i ran and took a chair as the others were coming down i waited for everyone to come down. i looked around and looked at all the food on the table there was pie,bread,cheese, and a jar of orange juice. But i had never eaten this before, i don't know how all of this tasted.
The others came in running, but grandma was in the bedroom sitting down just looking out the window. "Grandma come down and eat there's a lot of food on the table" " i guess I'll be down in a little bid" "hurry grandma we'll wait for you". she came down and sat down on the chair next to Michael. she didn't have a smile on her face, i wondered why wasn't she happy, we had a lot of food, everyone was together, its a nice sunny day. Grandma started to cry, she got up and walked away. Lily went after her and went to go talk to her and came back and made us make a prayer. A prayer that we always do, day by day. A prayer that we dedicate to our MOTHER. My mom died when i was little and she was giving birth to my little brother. Grama came back and told us that even though she wasnt our mom's mother she still felt the pain because they got along so much. and that our mom was the only person who used to listen to her when daddy wouldnt.My mom was one of a kind, My mom was a child that lived in a big house. She had a big heart, she married my father knowing that he wasnt rich like the others.they had all of us kids and had to live in my father's farm since her parents in which i dont call my grandparents didnt want her to live in the house they kicked her out because she was with a man who didnt have money. and since i've heard the story of what had happened i dont even want to hear about those people they only one i will talk to from my mothers family is my aunt and her children in which she only has two and she is the only one that actually come and visits us and gives us presents and helps us out with some of the payments at times.
well back to when we did the prayer and were about to eat i asked my dad how had he bought all of this food and he told me that he was walking home from the neighbors barn and while he was walking back he saw a whole bunch of bills on the floor. he was looking around to see if there was anybody that the bills could've been. but nobody was around and they were in the middle of the road so he went and grabbed them and the first thing he thought of was to buy food for every one in the house. and so that how we got to eat all of this food and dad was able to buy a camara and he got aunt Nancy to take a picture of the family in our usual days now. dad was smart enough to save the rest of the money and we saved some go to decorte my mothers grave with a lone of nice flowers. And so you see the picture of us now, day by day we have good meals and all of us kids are going to school now and daddy has a better job, which means we are living the best out of our lives =]
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